Monday, April 18, 2011

Springing Spring


Spring has Sprung...okay no it really hasn't here in Minnesota.  Again I hear the dreaded word "snow" and think when in the world will this eternally long winter end and spring begin.  But with all that negativity about snow and winter I still have the spring bug.  This bug has bitten me and inspired me to do some brightening up of my house.  As I looked around all I could see was drab, dull colors so I decided to take on the misson of adding some much need spring colors into my house.


My first project was inspired by the blog !  First let me say...Love it!  She is amazing and has great ideas.  In her blog she called it pillopalooza and so I will too.  If you click on pillopalooza she will link you to the exact fabrics she used. Most were purchased at one of my new favorite fabric sites.  So I pulled out the trusted sewing machine and set to work.  If you want directions on how to make the pillows you can click on her site.  This was a fun, easy, quick, fresh update to my living room and I do absolutely love them!

Beautiful Fabrics

Next I set to work on some of my shelves.  I began adding bright colors.  I decided to pull in greens, yellows, pinks, and blues.  I found bright paper to add to frames and cute flowers to add to bud vases.  I also thought that lemons were just what the doctor ordered so I began pulling them in as well.  So for under $30 dollars I felt like I gave my house a little....and much needed "Spring Lift"!  Now if Spring could only get here!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Love-Hate Relationship with Forts

Todays fort...I talked him into building it in
his room and not the living room!
Forts...a word all moms know and even cringe at!  We are full blown into the "fort" age at our house.  Daily my home is being transformed into some sort of fort.  Some days I'm a better mom than others and I will partake in the building of the fort.  Some days I am not such a good mom and I ban the making of any sort of forts. 

The idea of all the cushions and pillows coming off the couch or bed or all the chairs being pulled into some sort of mystical shape in the middle of the room doesn't always strike me as "fun"!  I like neat, I like order, and no part of those first two words coincides with fort. 

Super Star Mom let him sleep in his fort
at naptime...little boy heaven!

But and it is a big but, the word fort also equates with the word FUN.  Nothing brings Judsen more joy then sitting in his fort, playing in his fort, being "the Man" of his fort.  When he has a fort to play in, he is in little boy heaven and I do love the joy that it brings to his little life.

I  know dear friends that our fort building days have only just begun and that in the future there will be only bigger, larger, more elaborate forts.  Brodee very soon will get involved with the fort building and playing.  So I clench my teeth and say....Bring it on!  (and pick it up!)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break

Well hello Dear Readers,
I first must start by apologizing for a few things: First I am sorry that it has been so long since a new excuses.  Second I am sorry for the amount of pictures that you are going to see of me in my swimming suit...SO SORRY!  And thirdly, my husband says I always need to have at least three things in a list, I am sorry for the stream of consciences that this is going to be written in.  With my apologize out of the way I thought I would give you a little picture tour of our wonderful Floridian Vacation! 

Brodee 9 months.
Cute Swimsuit and Rash guard that
 Auntie Minta got him for Christmas.
My dear Brodeehondro absolutely loved the pool and warm weather.  Let's be honest that last time he was really outside was last summer when he was only a few months old, so this was like a new experience for him.  He loved sitting in the water and splashing as well as eating all the pool toys!

The boys loving the pool!
  This was the pirate pool at our place.  Jud had fun going down the slide and playing with the various squirters.  The whole family enjoyed the festivities of this pool!  I might have even got my hair wet...and that's a big deal!

 Matt called this flotation device--Jud's Bra!  He loved to swim with it on.  He felt comfortable swimming around the whole pool.  I think he looks cute in it!

Love the face B-Road!

Brodee enjoying the splash-pad in the pool!
 This was the day we went to the beach.  Brodee stayed back at the resort with Grandma Sue.  Jud loved playing with this boggie board.  He really liked pretending that we was surfing.  Much to dad's dismay he had more fun playing with it on land!  The beach was a great day!

 This was another one of Matt's ingenious ideas...and no it will not be our Christmas card next year!  No swimming suit Christmas cards!  On a side note--don't you wonder how many pictures you are in of other people you don't know.  Take for instance the person in the sunglasses in the back.  We have no idea who he is and yet he made it into our family picture.  I'm sure I have made it into may a peoples pictures...the question is how many?  Something to think about!

Wouldn't this make a great Christmas Card!  Ha

It was a wonderful vaction.  We were able to relax and have fun as a family.  I feel so blessed for the opportuintes that we have.  Okay so now that I am back I promise to be better about writing!  Keep posted!